
By Bill Seremetis, 17 June, 2017

While HD44780 were quite well documented for RPi1, there is some confussion with RPi2/3 with LibreElec. In case you don't know them, HD44780 screens are affordable and easy to use displays that communicate over a parallel connection. They can be attached to an RPi on the GPIO directly, and they are excellent for displaying data without opening your monitor or TV.


By Bill Seremetis, 19 April, 2017

While it is very easy to add a network printer on Linux (and any other OS for that matter), a network scanner isn't that easy. For one, searching on the internet for "network scanner linux" or anything like will yield results for programs that scan the network, not for scanning documents over the network. So, the easy way of finding somebody that has done this before you is not that easy.
