By Bill Seremetis, 7 March, 2018

Occasionally, you might stumble upon a strange error, that happens both on production servers and dev server (ie with the php dev server). You might try to edit (enable/disable/reorder) a menu item in a Drupal menu, but this won't be saved.

This could happen on really big menus, with a lot of items in them. PHP is blocking this change, as a security measure!


By Bill Seremetis, 17 June, 2017

While HD44780 were quite well documented for RPi1, there is some confussion with RPi2/3 with LibreElec. In case you don't know them, HD44780 screens are affordable and easy to use displays that communicate over a parallel connection. They can be attached to an RPi on the GPIO directly, and they are excellent for displaying data without opening your monitor or TV.


By Bill Seremetis, 19 April, 2017

While it is very easy to add a network printer on Linux (and any other OS for that matter), a network scanner isn't that easy. For one, searching on the internet for "network scanner linux" or anything like will yield results for programs that scan the network, not for scanning documents over the network. So, the easy way of finding somebody that has done this before you is not that easy.


By Bill Seremetis, 26 March, 2017

I haven't blogged for a long time, mainly due to workload. The past 2 years found me joining another team, changing a couple of appartments and working more on the backend than ever before.

I also took part in organizing three (3) big Drupal events in Greece: DrupaDay Athens 2016, DrupalCamp Athens 2016 and DrupalDay Patras 2017! DrupalDays are the new trend as it seems, where the local communities try to meet all together and discuss, present, have fun, but they are not Camps. They are being organised with the bare-minimum costs and held in the local language.

By Bill Seremetis, 14 September, 2015

When working on sites with thousands or millions of users you have to face a very important problem: your test/dev sites are not allowed to send emails, at all! Develmail and other solutions exist but most of them are very limiting because you end up with text emails and not your nicely styled HTML mail. A way to overcome this problem is by using an external SMTP server that you manage. I'm using iRedmail which works with Postfix.


By Bill Seremetis, 25 November, 2014

I needed to create a list with the total count of flags, for a specific flag type, made by users. The query to do this for one user is this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flagging WHERE uid=[user_id] AND fid=[flag_id];

Doing this with views, while not very difficult is a bit trivial. You need to start with a node view and not with a user view. From here on things go as follows:

By Bill Seremetis, 27 September, 2014

It's been a long time since I wrote something here. This doesn't mean I'm not active with Drupal, on the contrary I'm spending more time than ever with it!

On Monday, along with almost 2000 other attendees I'll be in Amsterdam for this years Drupalcon. The past year found me working for a university site, It is not the first time I've done a site about education but it's been a lot of years since my last one. However, this isn't the project that is taking most of time.

By Bill Seremetis, 22 September, 2013

Drupalcon is tomorrow in Prague, and I'm in the city for the last four days. I am really excited, as this will be my first Drupalcon (but not the last).

For the moment I'm at the Hub Praha, along with many other drupalists, for the second sprint day. Everybody here is working hard to make Drupal 8 awesome!

We are all divided among task teams and working with core. Ain't that amazing?